
Der Einfall, die Lüge, die Erdichtung


Hyla, Laubfrosch

Der Europäische Laubfrosch (Hyla arborea) ist ein Froschlurch, der zur Familie der Laubfrösche im weiteren Sinne (Hylidae) und zur Gattung der Laubfrösche (Hyla) gehört.



Hyla sammelt die Informationen zu Verfügbarkeit, Fehlersituationen, Auslastung und weiterem von allen im Netz angeschlossenenen Rechnern. Bestimmte Ausnahmesituationen werden per Email übermittelt, andere lediglich in einer Protokolldatei zusammengefaßt.

Hierzu wurde folgendes installiert:


sudo apt-get install msmtp msmtp-mta mailutils

Prüfung der Parameter: msmtp --version

Bearbeiten der Konfiguration:  nano ~/.msmtprc

# Set default values for all following accounts.
# Use the mail submission port 587 instead of the SMTP port 25.
port 587
# Always use TLS.
tls on
# Set a list of trusted CAs for TLS. The default is to use system settings, but
# you can select your own file.
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# If you select your own file, you should also use the tls_crl_file command to
# check for revoked certificates, but unfortunately getting revocation lists and
# keeping them up to date is not straightforward.
#tls_crl_file ~/.tls-crls
# Mail account
# TODO: Use your own mail address
# Host name of the SMTP server
# TODO: Use the host of your own mail account
# This is especially important for mail providers like
# Ionos, 1&1, GMX and
set_from_header on
# As an alternative to tls_trust_file/tls_crl_file, you can use tls_fingerprint
# to pin a single certificate. You have to update the fingerprint when the
# server certificate changes, but an attacker cannot trick you into accepting
# a fraudulent certificate. Get the fingerprint with
# $ msmtp --serverinfo --tls --tls-certcheck=off --host=smtp.freemail.example
#tls_fingerprint 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11:22:33
# Envelope-from address
# TODO: Use your own mail address
# Authentication. The password is given using one of five methods, see below.
auth on
# TODO: Use your own user name fpr the mail account

# Password method 1: Add the password to the system keyring, and let msmtp get
# it automatically. To set the keyring password using Gnome's libsecret:
# $ secret-tool store --label=msmtp \
#   host smtp.freemail.example \
#   service smtp \
#   user joe.smith

# Password method 2: Store the password in an encrypted file, and tell msmtp
# which command to use to decrypt it. This is usually used with GnuPG, as in
# this example. Usually gpg-agent will ask once for the decryption password.
#passwordeval gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.msmtp-password.gpg

# Password method 3: Store the password directly in this file. Usually it is not
# a good idea to store passwords in plain text files. If you do it anyway, at
# least make sure that this file can only be read by yourself.
# TODO: Use the password of your own mail account
password #Dein Passwort#

#Password method 4: Store the password in ~/.netrc. This method is probably not
# relevant anymore.
# Password method 5: Do not specify a password. Msmtp will then prompt you for
# it. This means you need to be able to type into a terminal when msmtp runs.
# Set a default account
# TODO: Use your own mail address
account default:
# Map local users to mail addresses (for crontab)
aliases /etc/aliases


Die Mails und auch Protokolldateien werden mit PHP bearbeitet. Daher ist eine Installation notwendig.

sudo apt-get install php

